Camille Georgeson-Usher; David Huebert; Tom Cull; Ellyn Walker; Christina Battle; Lisa Hirmer; Genevieve Robertson; Leah Decter; Natalie Doonan; Andreas Rutkauskas; Emma Morgan-Thorp; Maria Michails; Dana Prieto; Emily McGiffin
An Introduction to Making Ecological / Elysia French and Amanda White
INTERRUPT: Making as Intervention
Notes from a Garden Wedged into the City / Camille Georgeson-Usher
Dirty Nature: Pedagogy, Performance, Politics / David Huebert and Tom Cull
I Believe in Living: an Intertextual Curatorial Approach to Environmental (Inter)relations / Ellyn Walker
WITNESS: Picturing the Invisible
seeds are meant to disperse [to get to the future, a return to the past] / Christina Battle
Of Passengers and Lost Relations / Lisa Hirmer
Carbon Study: Walking in the Dark / Genevieve Robertson
(RE)PLACE: Offering Alternative Experiences of Place
into steps and breath / leah decter
Coney Island MTL: Re-Mediating the Greatest Show on Earth / Natalie Doonan
After The Fire / Andreas Rutkauskas
Listening in Place / Emma Morgan-Thorp
REFLECT: Considerations of a Material Practice
Can Ceramics Ever be a Sustainable Cultural Practice? / Mary Ann Steggles
Mapping Narratives: Methods and Entanglements of Social Practice / Maria Michails
1:10000 / Dana Prieto
Field Work: Rural Residencies and Environmental Arts / Emily McGiffin
Conclusion / Elysia French and Amanda White
Contributor Biographies