
Welcome to the Ecologies in Practice podcast series!

Episode List

Season 1 of the Ecologies in Practice podcast brings together thinkers, makers, and doers from art, science, theory, and practice around pressing environmental issues. Join podcast host Ashar Mobeen and producers Amanda White and Elysia French, over the coming months we will hear from a vibrant mix of artists, experts, and community members all united in their quest to tackle environmental challenges and inspire change. Ecologies in Practice weaves a larger narrative of resilience, creativity, and collective responsibility as we explore topics including soil regeneration and Indigenous land stewardship, the critical nature of water, the invisible elements in the atmosphere, and the trouble with textiles and plastics.

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The podcast is a public program of conversations motivated by the ideas and concepts in the 2024 book, Ecologies in Practice: Environmentally Engaged Arts in Canada, from Wilfrid Laurier University Press, edited by Elysia French and Amanda White. The book features multi-formatted contributions from artists, curators and scholars that explore the ways in which cultural production informs perceptions, communications, and knowledge of environmental distress in a Canadian context. 

Season 1 of the Ecologies in Practice podcast is hosted by Ashar Mobeen, produced by editors Elysia French, Amanda White, and audio editor Adam Wiebe.

This season of the podcast is Supported by the Sustainability Impact Fund at Western University, and  based out of the Centre for Sustainable Curating, in the Department of Visual Arts. The first season of the podcast has also received support from Brock University. 

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This podcast series is made possible with funding from the Sustainability Impact Fund at Western University.